
The equipment industry's business network.

Ironmarket is a business network with an exclusive focus on the equipment industry. We have taken the same technology you see in web based social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn and made it available to the equipment industry.

Ironmarket's purpose is to provide a simple, highly efficient, business network exclusively focused on the equipment industry, offering services such as:

  1. Preview - We send unbiased 3rd party agents into the field to capture detailed information, photos, and videos of your equipment assets, enabling you to share information with interested parties. Unlike inspections a Preview is similar to a reporter.
  2. SBO - featuring specific equipment assets in a unique sealed bid offering. Receive bids on your equipment and gain an understanding of its value in the marketplace. You maintain control of accepting or declining bids received.
  3. Appraisals - comprised of independent consultants and USPAP certified personal property appraisers with an exclusive focus on the equipment industry.
  4. Networking - connect with other people and companies in the equiment industry. Communicate, build your personal or company brand.
  5. Advertising - market your equipment, your personal brand, or your company to the equipment industry.

Getting Started

Getting started with Ironmarket is easy:

  1. Register Your Account today. You will be sent an email to verify your account.
  2. Invite your network to join Ironmarket.
  3. Communicate with your network using Ironmarket.
  4. Build your your personal brand. Let people in the industry know who you are.
  5. Create groups. Communicate and connect with like minded individuals in the equipment industry.
  6. Build your company presence. Invite employees. Give customers a view into your business and an easy way to connect with you.
  7. Manage and market your equipment using Ironmarket's Preview and SBO services.